Tuesday, May 26, 2015

JJ- or Kate Evergreen

I'm sorry for doing this so late. I know, I suck. But this was something I needed to do. Your blog is too good to not.

JJ ~ From reading your blog posts, and having you around class, I can tell that you have such a sweet spirit. Your writing is different from others because your focus seems to more on optimism, and that's hard to find within high school students nowadays. 

A high school seniors blog can say more about them than anything else, and I can tell that you are a consistent person. You post every week, and I think that's fantastic. I wish I could have that type of diligence. 

Also, when I visit your blog, I just feel happy. The pictures on your blog are perfect, I love all the music- it's just good vibes all around. 

My favorite post of yours was "words we swallowed" from April 14th. This post is about love, and it's relateble. It's an awkward first love, where you both know you want and what you feel, but just can't come up with the guts to say it. The best line was "people call us complexity, we want to be called clarity.." That's such a golden line. I hope one day in the near future, you'll find that, and he'll be the first to say it. (and your mom won't be mad this time) :)

Other Posts worth the read:
if you really knew me
love is absolute 

1 comment:

  1. I just decided to stalk you and yay!! my analysis :) thank you so much, this means a lot to me coming from you. Thanks for everything Taylor.
